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Pastor Stephen Major.

Stephen and Sue have lived in the Doubtless Bay Community for over 30 years. They have two adult children, Peter in Whangarei and David and his wife Claire in Tauranga. Stephen spent four years as Pastor of the Church between 1991 and 1995. During 2021 the Doubtless Bay Christian Centre called Stephen to be the Pastor for a second time. In the years between serving as Pastor Stephen was part of the leadership team of the church. For 18 years Stephen and Sue owned the local garden centre and have an ongoing love of gardening. They have a passion for seeing people healed and transformed by the power and grace of God. They love to see people using their God given gifts and abilities to further God's Kingdom in the area.

Stephen 022 616 7652        Sue   027 727 5057    

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Jennifer Leggatt 

Jennifer and Graeme moved to Doubtless Bay from Auckland over 40 years ago and have 4 adult daughters and 6 grandchildren. Jennifer said “God clearly led our family up here” and together with Jennifer’s parents Doug & Jo Brock, they moved onto a shared property in Oruru. Both families were part of the infant Doubtless Bay Baptist Church and now, have been joined by the next generation of the family.

Jennifer’s passion is to see the community of Doubtless Bay won for the Kingdom and she is willing for God to use her in any way to realise the God-given vision for DBCC. “Our world is hurting, people are suffering and dying. We have the ‘Good News’ and we long for others to come to know our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ for themselves”.

1 Peter 4:11 – “Do you have the gift of speaking? Then speak as though God Himself were speaking through you. Do you have the gift of helping others? Do it with all the strength and energy that God supplies. Then everything you do will bring glory to God through Jesus Christ. All glory and power to Him forever and ever! Amen” (NLB)

Jennifer    021 575 467

Colin Sharplin

Colin and Judy came North over 25 years ago with their two boys, Barry and Wayne, because they believed that God wanted them up here. They have walked with the Lord for a long time and see themselves and are seen by others as "servants" both in the Church and community, showing God's love to others.

Colin runs a limestone quarry at Paranui which supplies lime and roading metal and Judy is the team leader at the Op Shop Encounter. 

In the words of Colin, " we look forward to our continued journey to be closer to God and with God's help to lead others to be closer to Him also".

4085755   or  021 0246 3646

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Shelly Hita

Ko Puwheke Te Maunga

Ko Wairahoraho Te Awa

Ko Mamaru Te Waka

Ko Ngatikahu Te Iwi

Ko Haititaimarangai Te Marae

Ko Tohu Poharama toku papa 

Ko Gabrielle Poharama toku mama

Ko Shelly Hita Poharama toku ingoa

No reira Tena koutou Tena koutou katoa


Henry and Shelly were both raised in South Auckland moved home to the Far North many years ago and residing on the Karikari Peninsula. We have 1 son, 2 daughters and one whangae daughter and richly blessed with mokopuna.

Our born again life is an echo of Paul's words "What is more, I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord" Philippians 3:8 

(09) 4060291

7 Mill Bay Rd
Mangonui, 0420
New Zealand


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